Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
Whaddaya think? Work in your browsers?
This is the first time I've messed with tables and stuff. Should I have used frames instead? How does it look in your guys' browsers? I'm using Mozilla and it's fine.
The links and sections of the site will go over on the side that says "Links and shit" and there will be more stuff at the bottom.
[ January 29, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: dumb retart / BOB ]
looks okay to me. and i think tables are better than layers. more universal, and more compatible with weird and old browsers.
its ok, your clan sounds cool, although I kinda suck at Warcraft III and rarely play it because my poor mac has a shit ass radeon 7500 that can't do shit.
[ January 29, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Commando ]
Looks fine. Good choice on using tables instead of frames.
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