That would be precisely the reason why I'm looking at taking some open source and meshing it together into a closed-group one-off (of sorts), so that only somebody with prior knowledge of the ports in use would know where to hack when. Even the VNC source port can be changed at the server program level. This is the kind of person that I have no doubt
would disconnect his box from the Internet for security's sake, in which case I'm out of a job. I understand security issues as much as the next guy, but when it comes to somebody who wants to
stay connected at the cost of some security, my bottom line is affected. It's
my job to make these guys
feel secure (as if he's not running Mandrake already

), not to write my own revisionist history of their stupid moves. Now please stop telling me how I'm doing my job wrong and at least
try to help me, not the guy that's beyond all help.