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Well, I was more thinking about just using the transmitter, receiver, and servos to control things other than airplanes or cars. But if I were to use it for a plane I would keep the computer on the ground and program the transmitter or a second transmitter/receiver.  Or for a remote control truck or something (we have a nitro powered 4WD truck as well).  I do have a large airplane with an 80" wingspan and a 44cc gas engine on it (27% of the full size real plane (CAP 232)) but the last time I flew it nearly exploded in midair due to aileron flutter from overspeed at around 100mph+, have it apart repairing it now.

I'll have to check out the battle bot site, thanks for the tip!

P.S. I just added system bell sound to the LED program. It's changes frequency and duration corresponding to the light sequences. I know, I'm a geek...

[ August 03, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Interesting, Im new to programming in C++ and C but i did this once in powerbasic to make a program to copy files to another with an LPT port.
I have an electronic knoledge, im studying the workings of the MicroPorcessor and so on. And so far i know how a CPU works at the electronic level so what the hell.

You could  easily control the airplane then from your computer. But it's kind of dumb, because you'll just be replicating your remote control. You could always, like I said, automate different functions using your computer.

hmmmmm, howabout sticking a video camera on it. i have seen it done on techtv by some 14year useing visual basic. then agian, why doesn't somebody out do the little shit with a real langague like c, c++ or even java.

I was thinking about that, but I'm guessing the camera would probably be too heavy or mess something up? Maybe one of those small, cheap netcams will do the trick?


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