It should refelct your ip address.
I know my IP address, I wanted my ISP's.
I tried all of the sugestions above but none of them worked. I think I am having problems with my winmodem, it's strange my PCTEL modem was listed by the setup program but it still dosn't work. Oh well back to Windows for now

. I've been busy recently so I've not be able to post or mess around with Linux as much as I would like to.
I've found a driver:
http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/pctel-linux/welcome.htmlBut wtf don't you have to recompile the kernel to install this driver?
And how the fuck do you do that?
I don't want to upset any one here but doesn't this sound a just a little bit retarded?
With all the OS's I have used before (Windows, DOS, Risc OS, Mac OS) installing a driver manually just meant copying the files to the appropriate directory and editing the necessary configuration files, not recompiling the sod-arse kernel!
And what if I install the wrong driver?
Will it break my Linux system?
Then if it does fuck up will I have to reinstall?
I don't want to do that as I will loose all the settings?
Perhaps I should just buy a decent modem.