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Eeek. Refusal to access my web site under Apache.

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quote:I am behind a router. But with RH7.3 it never gave me a problem.
I will put everything back to default and see what happens.  
--- End quote ---

You have to set you're router to map port 80 to you're comp.....

You also have to understand that RedHat 8.0 comes with Apache 2.x. RedHat 7.3 came with Apache 1.3.x. The configuration files have changed significantly on the 2.x series.

The only thing you really should have to set is "ServerName" as I mentioned. If you read the comments in the config file right above that you will see:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

As you can see by the comments this has to be a valid DNS name that resolves the address on your ethernet interface. You can use the IP address of your ethernet interface but then you must use the IP address when accessing your web server. In this example it is an Apache web server on my home network in which I have my own little DNS domain for (voidsdomain.home).

I have an entry "www.voidsdomain.home" in my DNS server that resolves the IP address of this server. When Apache starts it first tries to resolve the name www.voidsdomain.home and then binds the daemon to that address (You can also put this entry in your /etc/hosts on the server and on all clients). If you want this to be accessible to  machines out on the internet you will have to forward port 80 at your firewall to this server and set up an internet wide DNS entry. Then you need to set up a virtual host entry. In the virtual host entry you will have another "ServerName" entry matching the public DNS name. I do this on my external servers where I host many web sites on many domains.

Also, if you are already familiar with Apache 1.3.x and are new to Apache 2.x you should take a look at /usr/share/doc/httpd-2.0.40/migration.html. It's a highly recommended read.

[ November 26, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

am saving all this. We should put this on the MES FAQ

Hey I just spent a couple hours creating a crappy Void Main site (so I have somewhere semi anonymous to stick image files etc): http://voidmain.kicks-ass.net/

Started with a fresh RedHat 8.0 install on an old crappy machine, setting up Apache 2.0 from playing in this thread and whipping up a couple of crappy pages and a guestbook.

Actually I set up 3 virtual hosts and am running 3 different sites off of it (those names won't get posted).  

[ November 27, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

I just signed your guestbook. Prety damn fast man.

*note: VoidMan. I didnt know the link I entered was an actual web site. Am sorry dude.  :(


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