He said that the FSF [Free Software Foundation] wanted to destroy a business model in which industry standard software had benefited everyone for a long time.
For Mundie, open source just disturbs the development of the Brazilian software industry. He said that as few countries in the world speak Portuguese, copyright and proprietary source is a clear benefit.
What utter bullshit! Prior to the coming of Gates, there really was no such thing as proprietary, closed source soft. That's what had His Gatesness so pissed off when programmers started sharing, debugging, and improving that shitty little BASIC interpreter he wrote (with stolen "big iron" time, no less) for the Altair 8000. It wasn't "piracy" since that was what source code was: information to be shared, critiqued, worked on, improved. The concept that this was "stealing" was strictly His Gatesness' idea.
That was M$'s one and only true "innovation"
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
--Daffy Duck