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C, Mate

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okay im just beginning with C but i am trying to write my first real programme.

I want it to be like a DOS/Bash based operating system (not really an opperating system just a joke) where the user type a command and something comes up.

I would know how to do it if the commands were numbers, but they are not, i want them to be text commands. How can i so this??? please dont laugh at me, im very much a learner at this!   :confused:    :confused:    :confused:

ba hahahahahahahahaha (joke)

Actually look at the source of "Dos XP" a thing i made in this forum in c++.

make sure you scroll down and get the fixed source.

umm can someone tell me how to do it in C please? if anyone knows. hello. am i talking to a proverbial brick wall here or what?

Well I dont know C, so we have a problem here.

Talk to voidmain, wait he should be here in a few hours if my mapping of his attendance is correct.


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