Author Topic: grocery shopping.  (Read 2284 times)


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grocery shopping.
« on: 1 March 2004, 08:31 »
Alright I am on a budget and I can't really afford a server at the moment but I would like to set up my computer to host a website of my own. Can it be down without a server other than a router?

In short how do you get a pc to act like a server?

If it is possible what all would be required to get a good level of access to the website?

Another question what are the best mediums on which to build a simple web site that can host a forum? About how much do they run and what are the qualities?

What skills would be required to do all the above?

About how much would good hosting on a router cost?

How can it be done without revealing the true identity of the one putting up the website?

How do you cloak or forge a legit ip address while keeping the proticols in check so that people can still access the site?

What kinds of plug ins and sockets would be required for such a site?

How do I get registered while underage to do such things and what vendors offer services to a kid like me?

Also how do you find a way to get a real world post office box with out having to give out your real identy in everything that you do but remane under an assumed name?

Here is the kicker: How do you do all of this for $500 to get started up? Can it be even done with these shoe strings?

What kind of security system would I need? How would I set up a password and members access areas?

Any help would be much appreciated. If you would rather lend your expertise in private you could contact me through my profile on yahoo or aol.
Dummy in desparate need of help


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grocery shopping.
« Reply #1 on: 1 March 2004, 08:49 »
How do you cloak or forge a legit ip address while keeping the proticols in check so that people can still access the site?
Are you serious? Heh...

With $500, you can easily buy a cheapo 'puter for $300, router for $100 (hell, even less), and assorted things (NIC, etc. etc.) with the rest of the money (and have enough left for several pizzas). Assuming you're not planning on getting lots of traffic, it should easily keep up with everything (your main bottleneck will be your bandwidth).

Look up Apache, MySQL (if you're planning on having a databsae-driven forum), and take a look at a service along the lines of Security and what not is a pretty large topic, but what you're looking for should be extensively covered on the net.

Also, one last question: why not just pay for webhosting? You can get mighty decent hosting for $10/month, plus $10/year for a domain.


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« Reply #2 on: 1 March 2004, 23:22 »
All of that is pretty true. I have a farely new computer and one that is a 5 year old mac. So I don't think a computer will be a problem. Its the setting up of the website and pop accounts for that website as well as routing of the billing without getting grief for some of the things I like to do online. Mainly start arguements based on public policy. Thanks I will take that into consideration. I prefer arbys. I wanted to run it off my own computer because I intend to set up at least 3 sites and have them involved in a web ring. My main problem is setting up a ghost identity so that I can conduct my business through wireless transactions because I hate checks and I hate letters.
Dummy in desparate need of help


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grocery shopping.
« Reply #3 on: 2 March 2004, 22:48 »
Hosting. Best way to go.
Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #4 on: 3 March 2004, 03:46 »


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« Reply #5 on: 3 March 2004, 03:48 »
On a serious note: get a "private" domain through GoDaddy and a similar registar. Get hosting with a company that has a privacy policy that doesn't rape you in the face. It's that simple.


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grocery shopping.
« Reply #6 on: 3 March 2004, 04:53 »
ya, I'll look into that eventually. First I have been over come by an urge to read up on mass inflation and other elements that could provide insight how to program matter to get the desired result. Such as supper computers in the area the size of a gene. Also the higher density particles could be used to enhance transportation and gathering of energy. This in turn would be fairly impressive for the fire power that can be put out. I would like to find something that would state the projected energy released from merging of several temporal frequencies. I have a very short attention span that limts me to limitless fancies.
Dummy in desparate need of help