This is the one where there are lots of little squares yeah? Theres a "creature" in each square and if it has above x members it dies, if it has below y neighbours it also dies? Find a way to represent a 2 dimensional "array" called field or something of "creatures" where creatures are a new class holding a boolean called "alive" and a function, "neighbours," that returns the number of neighbours in integer format. Also the routines "live" and "die" to flick the boolean should be in the new class. Then have something like-
if array.item(creature).neighbours < y OR array.item(creature).neighbours > x then
If you were to loop through that every 20 seconds, and apply the if part to each seperate creature each time with a sub loop then you would be right. Probably also a display routine in the array to show the field after each loop... I'm sure with VB it will be a point and click afair so hopefully they have some quik and easy way to display 2D arrays, because I have no idea how (unless you make like one array for each row...)