Author Topic: 2 Nics in Win98  (Read 1668 times)


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2 Nics in Win98
« on: 15 October 2004, 00:19 »
I have 2 networks in one building.
I want one of the clients on network 1 to see the other network.  I understand i need to put two NICS in one client, but how do i configure the settings in win98 to also see network 2 so the user can see both networks.  Also, will the user have to log into both networks?


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2 Nics in Win98
« Reply #1 on: 15 October 2004, 01:54 »
You know, if you install Linux on one of your machines and use it to set up a bridge between the networks, you won't need to bother with these kind of things. Here are guides, and come back here if you run into trouble.


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2 Nics in Win98
« Reply #2 on: 5 January 2005, 15:16 »
Bridging in Linux is pretty easy. The only difficult thing is patching the kernel, which isn't really that hard  

Here's the guide I used:

(it has one fault in the guide... you need to move the brctl from /usr/local/sbin to /usr/local/bin for it to work with the rc.bridge script, and you need to change the script itself)