C++ is probably a good language to learn because it allows you to bounce back into C and prepares you to bump forward into JAVA when you eventually know your stuff. For a first PROGRAMMING language, that would be my first reccommendation.
Before venture into C++, you should probably start with HTML. C++ is very diverse, and can be very boring when you first start learning it. HTML is a lot more visual, and a lot more basic. Plus, it is kind of progessive where it will eventually prepare you for your jump into programming. When you eventually learn Java Scripting, you will be using variables, calling functions, and condtional statements (amoung other things) that are all similar to C++. With HTML, you will be able to see what you are doing, whereas C++ is just entirely syntax. If you are going to learn it, Borland makes a free C++ compiler.
http://www.borland.com. You can also get one from Digital Mars at
http://www.digitalmars.com. A good referrence site is
http://www.cplusplus.com. It has a nice section on how to install those compilers, if you need help (I did.) Just don't use any of Micro$hit's cruddy compilers. Writing code with one of those things is NOT C++.
I can't offer any advice to you about learning C++ from a book other than a "good luck."

. If you can do it, you are far more inclined that I am. HTML will be a lot easier to teach yourself. I learned that alone. A good book would be "Creating Web Pages with HTML" 2nd Edition by Patrick Carey. It is published by Thompson Learning. That will teach you everything you need to know to get started. If you are ever in need of help,
http://www.htmlgoodies has a good site with a lot of tips and hints. Just design your pages to work on ALL browsers. If I have one pet peeve with some of these so call "designers" out there, it is that they all seem to revolve around Planet Microsoft. IE is not the only browser out there, contrary to popular belief, and not all of us use it.
Have fun.