Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
Question about programming and stuf.
Learn python (http://www.python.org).. It's much easier then C/++, and almost as powerful. Then when you're done with it, you can go ahead and learn C/++..
Goto my website and read the HTML Miniguide and you will have some basic knodege. Im also writing other things.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by X11 / BOB:
[QB]Goto my website and read the HTML Miniguide and you will have some basic knodege. Im also writing other things.
I already read your miniguide to html and printed it out, I think I'm gonna put it on my wall for future reference ;)
--- End quote ---
In my opinion, java is a much better language than C/C++. C/C++ is on its way out. In a few years everything will be done in C#, Java or VB. C/C++ will only be used when low level is needed, like drivers, boot loaders and kernels. Java is a new and imporved version of C/C++. Java has many advantages over C/C++ and the only disadvantage is that it can't do low level programming. Everything you need to get started with java is at java.sun.com/tutorial/
Thanks all, I can start doing my homework now
I also suppose that none of this is gonna fly way over my head (dunno if that expression exists but I'm gonna take my chances) since I'm a complete newbie even at a command prompt.
Yes, that's what M$ does to you :
"You don't need to think we will think for you!"
And the further we go, the more they "think" for us, and how ......
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