Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
how to block verisign's new shitty site finder
look at this shit... I LIKE 404 BETTER
if a .com or .net address doesn't exist, you're now going to be taken to their craptastical search page. come on, guys.
someone, please tell me how to block verisign completely via the hosts file on Mac OS X (it should be the same as BSD). I'll be much obliged.
Verisign should lose their DNS control over this. And they say they have gotten lots of positive response over this...
Positive response? Yeah, no doubt... from the people who advertise on it.
We need a renegade DNS registrar that doesn't charge jack. That way everybody's on an equal playing field. The way the internet is SUPPOSED to be. Thanks to Verisign and InterNIC before them, the place has become a shithole dominated buy business because they can pay for the top names.
*writes up squid redirect script to redirect to a leet 404 page*
grar.... this thing has popped up TWICE AGAIN TODAY!!!!!
I hate these faggots.
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