Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

how to block verisign's new shitty site finder

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I'd use emacs or pico to do the editing. not any other text editor, eg: (in terminal)

sudo pico /etc/host

If you have your own server you could also craft a special 404 error page that was a bit nicer than, or a redirect from the 404 using URL Rewriting to say Google.

Also you'll need to do a restart ;]

This also is a great way of speeding up surfing, to say sites you visit regularly as no DNS server needs to be queried.

OK I'll shut up now   :D

[ September 19, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

I've been trying to figure out how to do this. I had modified my hosts file to block ads but I couldn't figure out what to do next so that my computer would use it. Thanks!

Shouldn't have to do anything else. Visit a site you blocked and see if it's working.

Yea 404 Was much better than a shitty page that has popups [ Im on mozilla I still got a popup there

some valuable info about  this issue:


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