Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
what you have going on on your site would work for my artforms project though ;)
I know what you mean ecsyle and there are two ways to do it: the hard one and the easy one. :D The hard one would mean that you'd have to code yourself in PHP and the easy one would mean that you'd have to download a CMS (Content Management System) like the ones I mentioned above. Both solutions would definitely require a database (I personally prefer MySQL). I can't help you though with coding in PHP since I'm a total newbie. The only things I dare tweak are the theme.php, header.php and footer.php files in the respected themes, lol!
Finally, if you go for a Nuke portal, I would recommend myPHPNuke or PHPNuke. The latter is prettier (my opinion) but still has bugs. MPN is REALLY stable but still in an early version. It is however supported by a great developing team, who would kindly offer their support! The nice part is that they're both GPL'd! ;)
Whatever you choose I can help you set things up, so if you need any help PM me. I'd be glad to help!
im going to have to stick with the websites theme. so i dont know if i could use a CMS. ill play with it tonight. it would be "fucking rad" if i could bend it to suit my needs though...
quote:Originally posted by ecsyle_one:
im going to have to stick with the websites theme. so i dont know if i could use a CMS. ill play with it tonight. it would be "fucking rad" if i could bend it to suit my needs though...
--- End quote ---
Hmm, that's a bit hard to do. You could download a theme and tamper with the theme, header, footer php files as well as the CSS of the theme. You could setup a "fake" CMS page on a new directory on your server and test it there. That way it wouldn't interfere with your default one, which I assume is /www or something.
Panos: check your PM.
(edit: im a dumbass ;) )
[ March 13, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle_one ]
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