Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

Bobtime Project

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What if he'd written, say, a radical new compresison algorithm; should that be released under a BSD like licence?

no. I'd either close source or release it under the GPL.

Master of Reality:
LGPL wasnt a bad idea. But BSD?? I dont want these closed source places to use my clock. Sure they can still use it, but it must be a separate thing from the actual OS and be opensource and still under the GPL.

well, now that this is settled, good luck.

By the way, a good way you could improve your project would be reading the 24 hour time from teh hardware clock, then converting it to "Bob time." That way you can reboot and get the correct time.

Master of Reality:
we have plans for that as well. This project will ahve many utilities for the 32 hour clock.


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