Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

Bobtime Project

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people who say that usually think that all the GPL stuff should be released under the BSD licence because they reckon it is selfish to not want people to steal your code, make money from it and walk all over you morally.

You should have used the LGPL as stated above.

Well he is using the GPL, so what's wrong with that?

only GPL software could use it. LGPL would be another alternative, but I think it should be under the BSD license because everyone should be able to use it, not just a select few.

er, that's the whole point. Why should people who aren't using the GPL be allowed to use GPL code?

The only reason to use the LPGL is if you are providing a free alternative to something that is already established but non-free, such as a library, and you want your free library to become more widely used than the proprietary version.

"Why should people who aren't using the GPL be allowed to use GPL code?"

Because they might be using another license for some reason (GPL isn't everything). It might be open source, just not GPLed. So LGPL/BSD should be used.

If it's a clock, I think everyone should be able to use it in their  code.

Isn't that program just a few lines of code, anyway?


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