Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

What is a good site to learn linux codes and such?

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No he did an excellent job bringing this thread up.  
VoidMan's posts are like reading a fucking book man  

Hey Void why the hell you dont write a How to book for Linux? Trust me ill be the 1st to go out and get it.

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
And I thought we were allowing unregistered posts again!

M0R, X11 messed with the Linux forum. The only way to recover the threads at the moment ('cuz X11 won't listen to me, there are other ways) is to ressurect threads.

In case you didn't know all of that.

[ November 15, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
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i noticed... what are the other ways?

Posted in the Linux forum. Second page of "Soon changing to Linux"


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / B0B:
and i think the guy really wanted to know some of the comman linux commands and builtin bash command and not really coding.
--- End quote ---

Really? And just how can you tell that from such a short question that says nothing of the sort?

I actually didn't assume what he was asking. I posted the reply whether it was answering what he really wanted to know or not for the benefit of other people. People who may have read the message and were interested in getting started with Linux. And that's why I thought it was funny when I ran across it and resurected it. You weren't even on this forum at the time I wrote that message. And from what I recall, you asked very similar questions when you first came along and I gave you very similar detailed answers.

[ November 15, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Master of Reality:
/me backs away slowly


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