Author Topic: Where to start..  (Read 1451 times)


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Where to start..
« on: 5 October 2002, 10:35 »
Hello, this would be my first post on this forums.. and I'd like to make it a resourceful one  

Well to begin with, I need a few simple questions to be answered..

Just say I got the Idea to make A 2D MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game - Most of you probaly and should know what this is   )
But I mean nothing big.. or even commercial just a simple game where me and a few friends can interact online venturing and battling through dungeons, et cetera.
Where would I want to begin?

Well I figure it that I'd need to look into learning the basics of a Programing language first, But which one? and which would be the Fastest and Easiest to learn (In your opinnion, I know we all work/learn at a different pace =P) And afterwards, wouldn't I need some sort of 'Compiler'(Not too sure what this is, All I know is that you encrypt Source code into.. A usable format?)
If so could someone direct me to maybe a FREE compiler program and explain to me how and what it REALLY is?

Anyway sorry for agitating anyone who hates to read new-B help questions ...  :(


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Where to start..
« Reply #1 on: 5 October 2002, 10:50 »
You can download the source code to Quake II and the game server engine, then build off the Quake engine. I don't know if that is the kind of game you are talking about. It would be heavy stuff for a beginner though. You would likely want to use the language that the engine is written in if you use it. I assume it would be C or C++.

You can find several free compilers at most notably "gcc". If you are running Linux you already have it. There are also Windows versions of "gcc" (among many other OSs).

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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Where to start..
« Reply #2 on: 5 October 2002, 10:53 »
Well I would want a Simple 2D engine.. Like using a Tileset.. and a few sprites.

I don't think I could make it in the QuakeII engine without Slitting my wrists    :(  

Edit- Wow thanks for the compilers.. Before I check them out, is there any tutorials/instruction on how to use them?

oops sorry just noticed your signature .. heh
Oh and thanks for the warm welcome  ;)

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: Wryoko ]

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: Wryoko ]


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Where to start..
« Reply #3 on: 5 October 2002, 10:54 »
There are many smaller games for KDE and Gnome, all of the source code is available. Again, if you are using Linux.  Oh BTW, welcome aboard! Glad to have you!
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Where to start..
« Reply #4 on: 5 October 2002, 11:26 »
Well, seeing that you just want to make a simple game, I'd recommend python ( - free) and (set of Python
modules designed for writing games.). provides some very good tutorials on their site. - Python begginer's guide.

Now the fact that you're going to be wanting to make a game that you can play over the almighty interweb also requires you to know socket programming. That can be learned, again, for free right over at (alot of resources can be found on the python website - explore it!).

If you ever want to write something bigger, I'd take a look into C/++ programming with the SDL library ( for graphics, and for socket programming.

Oh, and I almost forgot: google's your friend  

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]