Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

Will someone PLEASE tell me how to do this!!!!

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HTML is here for a little while longer...and watch out for Microsoft's proprietary languages that they will be pushing in the future...o and btw...has anybody ever looked at code from Frontpage...its awful!!!!   I like my nice, clean, hand-hacked HTML, thank you very much.

proprietary language ..............  (.net?)

in my opinion they need a special operator for the target attribute, where you can do
--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
and the browser will open it in a new tab for you, opera, netscape, mozilla, phoenix, safari, chimera, konqueror, galeon, epiphany all are capable of this, and in my opinion the w3c should get with it and introduce this simple specification so it doesn't get implemented by somebody and go all nonstandard.


quote:Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
The reason I need this is because if you click on a link with a .tk domain it will send you to the page but it won't change the address. So I could send someone to Microsoft.com and it would still say they're at macrevolution.tk. Opening links in a new window fixes this.

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If the URL stays the same you're using frames.  To change the URL don't target the link to open in a frame... I think so anyway.


quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
in my opinion they need a special operator for the target attribute, where you can do
--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
and the browser will open it in a new tab for you, opera, netscape, mozilla, phoenix, safari, chimera, konqueror, galeon, epiphany all are capable of this, and in my opinion the w3c should get with it and introduce this simple specification so it doesn't get implemented by somebody and go all nonstandard.[/b]
--- End quote ---

good idea. i was wondering if you could do this before, but never put forth the effort to look it up. it wasnt that important, but now that i can't do it, i want to.


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