Author Topic: KDeveloper  (Read 1449 times)


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« on: 14 September 2002, 04:52 »
i am learning C++ in skool and we use visual C++(it sucks i know) but how do i get kdeveloper to compile my source code. i can open my .cpp file and when i goto build i cant use any of the items. in windows i know i have to open a project but i am not sure how to do that. Also how would i go about adding diffent header files. we use some that are not standard. in visual c++ we need them in the same folder as the .cpp. how do i do that in kdeveloper. i do not use gcc simply b/c i dont know how to use the header files either. if i could be told how or given some links i would greatly apreate it
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« Reply #1 on: 14 September 2002, 21:14 »
In Kdevelop just do Project/New to create a new project. To add files do Project/Add existing files.

Although Kdevelop is nice, it would be worthwhile you learning how to compile your programs from the console with gcc/make if as you say you don't yet know how to do that. What's your issue with header files?
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« Reply #2 on: 14 September 2002, 21:49 »
i am right now using g++ to compile simple programs from the command line. and the header file problem is i need to use 2 called apvecter.h and apstring.h. they are 2 that th AP courses use. in windows different compilers make you put them in diffrent places i wanted to know where i would put them in linux for it to compile correctly.
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