Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

Success! IE incompatibility

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I updates my page to HTML 4.01 and it works on every browser I've ever tried except for IE 5 and 6 on Windows.  IE on the mac works great.  Now this may seem good, but seeing how lots of people with IE, will (hopefully) be visiting my site.  And the error with the browser loading Flash.  And since when I finish with the site it will all be flash, It would not be a good thing if Flash could not be loaded on the people left behind with IE on Windows.  Can someone tell me how to fix my <object> tag to work with IE for Windows?


Thanks in advance

I don't think you can. You have to use <embed>

fuck them then.  I hate embed tags, they fuck things up, I put a disclaimer on my site if u want to take a look.

Wow...cool! Your site is W3C compliant, and yet doesn't work in IE. Nice work.

Works on Mozilla 1.2 Win, Mozilla 1.2 Linux, and Mozilla 1.2 Mac.

[ February 23, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


We need to do this more often.


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