Ok well that definition made me remember that thing about hacker ethics. Now I wonder what they actually are, but my personal outlook of such issues would be:
1)Leave the victim's computer in the same shape you found it in.
2)If you find something private that would be potentially embarassing if it was exposed, do not do anything to point it out to the person's colleagues/friends or other users of the computer.
However, you are still free to go "

!" to yourself.
3)It is not your job to be a cyber vigilante. If one or more users is a rascist, murderer, child porn addict etc. big whoop. You are a ghost, not a poltergeist so stay l33t. The only situation that could EVER warrant such vigilantism is a hacker(or likely script kiddy) that greatly abuses his powers and causes much harm to the defenseless. Spam mailers are another case that warrants this.
4)Even if you find info like credit cards or financial secrets that could make you money, you must never steal it, delete it, or distribute it.
5)Feel free to take what you want "IE: documents or games", but only copy and never delete. Must go along with #4 and #2.
6)In very few circumstances should you ever do permanant damage(can't be repaired through re-installation or formatting). Although this possibility im still skeptical of.
7)The main targets of your attack tools should be those who attacked you first(think script kiddies) and need to learn a serious lesson. Attemped hacking is a lesser crime compared to attempted damage. Of course, if the guy was succesful you wouden't be able to get your revenge now would you?
8)Wanna do website offensives? Your personal moral view is not always significant enough to warrant the right to physically punish someone for it. Still feel the need? Consider who the victim is. Corporate stuff is meaningless and you should have no regret, only personal websites should cause you to carefully consider.
9)Is someone pissing you off in real-life? Consider how they anger you and #8. School bully who gives you trouble? Valid reason, but consider the innocents who may use the computer. As such research is needed. Even though RL incidents can anger you, remember #6.
10)Your skillz and talents are not for sale to a corporation, "clients", and ESPECIALLY the government.
11)Some of the people you share your knowledge with may not have all these ethics.