Author Topic: Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy  (Read 2707 times)


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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« on: 24 July 2002, 06:07 »
Well this is hax0ring and what not forum right?  :D

I don't desire to be a stupid script kiddy, I want to learn why X does Y thing, but I would probably be like a "wannabe" for a loooong time.

Don't most hackers start out as "hacker wannabes who aren't retard like the common script kiddy?". So that means amateur n00bish stuff like... ummm well hacking a password protected site(like im gonna pay for that porn access!) or someone's comp. Now I have no desire to damage anything, I just can imagine what a thrill it must be to hack.

Now I feel it's quite easy to get tools you need to do this, and I won't start for quite awhile anyways. However, I was wondering what advice the REAL hackers here have? Not on HOW to hack, but how to protect yourself against hackers(without special programs or any hacking skills) and how to avoid hacking someone who is really a super hacker who f0cks you up to teach you a lesson.  :(

Also, stuff that PERMANTLY fucks up your system and can't be fixed(so you have to throw out a piece of hardware, or your whole computer even), do these things actually exsist? Common sense says these things are a myth but...
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #1 on: 24 July 2002, 06:39 »
just remeber this, samba, nmblookup, and nmap are you best friends, with those tools, stupid joe windows user doesn't stand a chance if you can get his ip address, and thats the problems with my would be exploits i don't have ips to portscan, then agian, if i were to be made a MOD, i would not use such tools,/*plug plug plug, i want to help mod this forum and the deadthread zone, and maybe the linux forum*/
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
ppc, the fruity way
mips, the graphical way
m68k, the NeXT way
sparc, the reliable way


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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #2 on: 24 July 2002, 06:40 »
and the ask a hacker, a hacker is someone that writes programs, or the *other* def, i kinda fit into both. thats why this is called ask a hacker,
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
ppc, the fruity way
mips, the graphical way
m68k, the NeXT way
sparc, the reliable way


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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #3 on: 24 July 2002, 11:08 »
a REAL hacker wouldnt tell you anything they knew here if they had an ounce of sense.
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #4 on: 24 July 2002, 11:57 »
naah, i just told him some of my favorite tools that i use, he can look up how to use them himselve, or read howto use them when someone askes specific questions and not things like how do i hack, i won't anser that one, but ill tell people stuff about my experince with my tools and such
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #5 on: 24 July 2002, 12:00 »
and hes right, he did ask alittle about what hacking is, all hacking is is learning things, you would do yourself to get several books on unix and other opensource and closed source apps and read from front to back, not all hacking is the flashy shit you see in movies, alot of it is figureint out things about unix, windows, and how thing getalong and do a and b like he said, but its an art/lifestlyle you have to learn your selfe
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #6 on: 24 July 2002, 15:53 »
Originally posted by choasforages:
naah, i just told him some of my favorite tools that i use, he can look up how to use them himselve, or read howto use them when someone askes specific questions and not things like how do i hack, i won't anser that one, but ill tell people stuff about my experince with my tools and such

wheni said what i did i didnt mean about what you had said.
btw i see you've got choasforages back.
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #7 on: 24 July 2002, 15:59 »
yup, the webmaster helped with that one
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #8 on: 24 July 2002, 17:50 »
from the jargon file:


hacker n. [originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe] 1. A
   person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how
   to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to
   learn only the minimum necessary. 2. One who programs enthusiastically
   (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing
   about programming. 3. A person capable of appreciating hack value. 4.
   A person who is good at programming quickly. 5. An expert at a
   particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it;
   as in `a Unix hacker'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and
   people who fit them congregate.) 6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind.
   One might be an astronomy hacker, for example. 7. One who enjoys the
   intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing
   limitations. 8. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover
   sensitive information by poking around. Hence `password hacker',
   `network hacker'. The correct term for this sense is cracker.

   The term `hacker' also tends to connote membership in the global
   community defined by the net (see the network and Internet address).
   For discussion of some of the basics of this culture, see the How To
   Become A Hacker ( FAQ.
   It also implies that the person described is seen to subscribe to some
   version of the hacker ethic (see hacker ethic).

   It is better to be described as a hacker by others than to describe
   oneself that way. Hackers consider themselves something of an elite (a
   meritocracy based on ability), though one to which new members are
   gladly welcome. There is thus a certain ego satisfaction to be had in
   identifying yourself as a hacker (but if you claim to be one and are
   not, you'll quickly be labeled bogus). See also geek, wannabee.

   This term seems to have been first adopted as a badge in the 1960s by
   the hacker culture surrounding TMRC and the MIT AI Lab. We have a report
   that it was used in a sense close to this entry's by teenage radio hams
   and electronics tinkerers in the mid-1950s.

under definition 6 and 7 McGuyver would be the 1337est fucking uber hacker on the planet   :D

[ July 24, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]

If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.


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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #9 on: 24 July 2002, 17:53 »
true true, i was restating the jargon file a bit.
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #10 on: 24 July 2002, 17:55 »
then agian, if i say cracker, someone is bound to get pissed
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #11 on: 24 July 2002, 19:54 »
Hmmm, wonder why that definition didn't include another very popular version of the word "hacker".  In the U.S. it is very popular in golf to refer to yourself or others who are not a professional golfer but love to play golf as a "hacker".  Also my interperetation is that a golf "hacker" tries very hard but isn't necessarily that good at it.  Don't know if other countries use that term for golf or not. Anyone have the answer?
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #12 on: 25 July 2002, 00:22 »
Ok well that definition made me remember that thing about hacker ethics. Now I wonder what they actually are, but my personal outlook of such issues would be:

1)Leave the victim's computer in the same shape you found it in.

2)If you find something private that would be potentially embarassing if it was exposed, do not do anything to point it out to the person's colleagues/friends or other users of the computer.
However, you are still free to go "LOL!" to yourself.  

3)It is not your job to be a cyber vigilante. If one or more users is a rascist, murderer, child porn addict etc. big whoop. You are a ghost, not a poltergeist so stay l33t. The only situation that could EVER warrant such vigilantism is a hacker(or likely script kiddy) that greatly abuses his powers and causes much harm to the defenseless. Spam mailers are another case that warrants this.

4)Even if you find info like credit cards or financial secrets that could make you money, you must never steal it, delete it, or distribute it.

5)Feel free to take what you want "IE: documents or games", but only copy and never delete. Must go along with #4 and #2.

6)In very few circumstances should you ever do permanant damage(can't be repaired through re-installation or formatting). Although this possibility im still skeptical of.

7)The main targets of your attack tools should be those who attacked you first(think script kiddies) and need to learn a serious lesson. Attemped hacking is a lesser crime compared to attempted damage. Of course, if the guy was succesful you wouden't be able to get your revenge now would you?  ;)

8)Wanna do website offensives? Your personal moral view is not always significant enough to warrant the right to physically punish someone for it. Still feel the need? Consider who the victim is. Corporate stuff is meaningless and you should have no regret, only personal websites should cause you to carefully consider.

9)Is someone pissing you off in real-life? Consider how they anger you and #8. School bully who gives you trouble? Valid reason, but consider the innocents who may use the computer. As such research is needed. Even though RL incidents can anger you, remember #6.

10)Your skillz and talents are not for sale to a corporation, "clients", and ESPECIALLY the government.

11)Some of the people you share your knowledge with may not have all these ethics.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #13 on: 25 July 2002, 00:49 »
Oh well you probably need HackWizard 2000 from cDc.

The first piece of advice crackers (or "hackers" as you incorrectly call them) always give wannabe 'hackers' is "Don't ever ask 'How do I hack?' on a forum" as you're likely to get flamed.

Most crackers have little or no real skill and are just script kiddies using exploits they find on bugtraq. Crackers are not respected by the hacker community.

Do yourself a favour and learn how to code, read and contrbiute to the Free Software community rather than trying to break into other people's systems. And try to avoid perpetrating this confusion between the two terms by not using "hacker" when you mean "cracker".
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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy
« Reply #14 on: 26 July 2002, 02:11 »
ARGH! Why can't people ever understand that crackers are the fucktards who break into things and hackers are the guys who really know what they're doing with a computer?

Script kiddies are several levels lower than crackers, in fact, I doubt they're even human. They're an unfortunate result of America's lazy vandal syndrome. These kids don't want to know anything, they just want to cause trouble. They're nothing more than vandals.

Now, read this and understand it or I'll come after you with my hackers != crackers baseball bat again.