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Uhoh, I wanna become a script kiddy

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Well this is hax0ring and what not forum right?  :D

I don't desire to be a stupid script kiddy, I want to learn why X does Y thing, but I would probably be like a "wannabe" for a loooong time.

Don't most hackers start out as "hacker wannabes who aren't retard like the common script kiddy?". So that means amateur n00bish stuff like... ummm well hacking a password protected site(like im gonna pay for that porn access!) or someone's comp. Now I have no desire to damage anything, I just can imagine what a thrill it must be to hack.

Now I feel it's quite easy to get tools you need to do this, and I won't start for quite awhile anyways. However, I was wondering what advice the REAL hackers here have? Not on HOW to hack, but how to protect yourself against hackers(without special programs or any hacking skills) and how to avoid hacking someone who is really a super hacker who f0cks you up to teach you a lesson.  :(

Also, stuff that PERMANTLY fucks up your system and can't be fixed(so you have to throw out a piece of hardware, or your whole computer even), do these things actually exsist? Common sense says these things are a myth but...

just remeber this, samba, nmblookup, and nmap are you best friends, with those tools, stupid joe windows user doesn't stand a chance if you can get his ip address, and thats the problems with my would be exploits i don't have ips to portscan, then agian, if i were to be made a MOD, i would not use such tools,/*plug plug plug, i want to help mod this forum and the deadthread zone, and maybe the linux forum*/

and the ask a hacker, a hacker is someone that writes programs, or the *other* def, i kinda fit into both. thats why this is called ask a hacker,

a REAL hacker wouldnt tell you anything they knew here if they had an ounce of sense.

naah, i just told him some of my favorite tools that i use, he can look up how to use them himselve, or read howto use them when someone askes specific questions and not things like how do i hack, i won't anser that one, but ill tell people stuff about my experince with my tools and such


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