Author Topic: Anjuta IDE for Linux  (Read 1485 times)


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Anjuta IDE for Linux
« on: 30 October 2002, 14:16 »
I just ran across a cool little C/C++ IDE on It's called "Anjuta". From the little amount of time I have used it I really like it. Reminds me a little of Borland's IDE. I just wrote a few lines of code, noticed it had nice syntax hilighting, popup function prototypes when you type a function name, etc.

It's certainly no VIM but for those of you who like the Borland GUI type of IDE (Windows version) you might like this. Sorry if you already knew about this. If you didn't already know about it, download and enjoy.
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Anjuta IDE for Linux
« Reply #1 on: 30 October 2002, 14:21 »
Hmmm sounds great but really im more then happy with Vim ever since i took the time to learn it which just reenforces how much a retard is....  "But Solaris didnt have anything like pico, it comes with just VI out of the box" which is somthing i got in an email from him. It took me 15 miniutes to learn vi just from the man and the info pages.