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Blocking people, tricks, tricks, tricks...

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Look at this java script, this is from the forum, its what generates that little messege, and on top of that, we could make a script using that checks the "user_array[2]" thingy to see whos nick it adds up to and if it adds upto the wrong one it could redirect them.

For example we could use it to block Zombie from posting in the Linux/Unix forum...

Just a thought but he left.

Ill save the ability for the next troll.

it's username specific is it not? all they would need to do is change their screenname... or is it login specific? if so, all he would need to do is sign up as a different user.

Nuts its screenname orientated... we could put a script in there that just blocks there ip block.

yeah, but that would be pointless as tons of other people would be blocked too, and a savvy person might just sign up in another ip block.

I could work a script that disinguishes between Zombie, and a normal person... we could have a contributing networking of people that send a dos, he is flooded and cant do anything. For m0r and some others with a powerful connection they could send a few 64kb packets... that would nail him right down.


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