Author Topic: Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.  (Read 2138 times)


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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« on: 6 September 2002, 21:00 »
Am into C++ but i just wanna get over with this, since people say you can learn html in 3-4 hours. Is this true?


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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #1 on: 6 September 2002, 21:30 »
sure is! but then you'll know that by the morning!  :D

my advice for learning html is get Dave Raggett's tutorials here, he packs a lot of info into quite small documents and still makes it easy to read.
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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #2 on: 6 September 2002, 21:45 »
Thanks alot man fot the link  
 Good thing i got a litter of coffe in the kitchen lol


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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #3 on: 6 September 2002, 21:52 »
This is all you need to know:

Code: [Select]

That's pretty much the "basics".  HTML is free flow and relies completely on tags (<...>)  for formatting and structure.  The above is pretty much the starting point for any HTML page. Of course there are many more tags (not MANY more though), and most tags have property parameters.  For instance, you want to change the background color of your page you add a parameter to the <BODY> tag.  e.g. <BODY BGCOLOR="white">.  

Most, but not all tags have a start/stop or begin/end to contain the effect of the tag within the begin and end block (much like the purpose of begin/end blocks in any programming languate. In C++ that would be the "{" and "}".  It is important not to overlap the begin/end tags in HTML just as in any other programming languages (you can nest, but you shouldn't overlap).

For instance, you might want to create a table (like spreadsheet cells).  The begin of the table is "<TABLE>" and the end of the table is "</TABLE>".

Code: [Select]

You can copy paste these examples into a text file with an *.html name and open them in a browser.  Change them around and add stuff.  Search google for "html tutorial" and there are millions of references.  There really isn't a lot to it more than that.  The best thing for you to have is a reference listing all of the tags and what their parameters are. For instance "<TABLE BORDER=0>" would turn off the borders (lines) in your table (actually it just sets the width of the lines to 0, you can use any number to change the width of the lines).  Tables are used often for formating/arranging text nicely.  You can embed tables within tables.

And I have my own method of indentation and spacing for readability of the source but that's all up to you, it doesn't effect the rendering of the page.

I would suggest first starting with basic HTML which really should take mere minutes to get the hang of with a good tutorial off of google. It will teach you the basic tags and explain how to use links and urls, etc.  

Then to get a little more advanced you might want to look for a little more intermediate tutorials that discuss forms and frames.  Then for maybe a little more advanced you might want to look in to JavaScript or dynamic HTML but you can do a LOT with just basic HTML and I prefer not to use JavaScript if at all possible.  I do a lot of dynamic HTML using PHP and Perl but before you can do that you still need to know basic HTML.

Good luck and if you get stuck we can help you out.

[ September 06, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #4 on: 6 September 2002, 10:04 »
you guys rock the house!

  Kinda feel bad that i dont know much as you guys know, so i can help out with other noobs. But shit am on my way  :D

  I wont sleep at all tonight, even though I have to work tomorow at 8 till 3.

 "Coooooooooomoooooooooooooon your  hours for a couple of dimes,,,gonna make it baby on our prime!!!!"


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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #5 on: 6 September 2002, 10:25 »
Oh you'll be up to speed sooner than you think.  And another good trick is to click "view source" in your browser's menu to steal tricks from other people (do it right here on this forum and you'll see how this page is built, even though this forum example was dynamically generated, makes no difference you can save it as a normal HTML file and modify it statically as well).

[ September 06, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #6 on: 6 September 2002, 10:53 »


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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #7 on: 6 September 2002, 10:59 »
You got it. Now you can help others learn HTML.      And a neat trick you can add to your link to this site is make it open in a new browser window (this can sometimes be nice but you may not always want to do it. Generally when you have links to other sites you might want it to pop up in a new window but if it is a link to another page on your site you might just have it follow the link as you have in your current example).  To do this you would add the "target=" parameter to your link:

<a href="" target=fuckmicrosoft>LINUX</a>

Also, you should not leave out the <HTML></HTML>, <HEAD></HEAD>, and <BODY></BODY> tags. These are rather important tags that should be in every web page. The <HTML> tag should be the first one in your document. The <TITLE></TITLE> tags should be contained within the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.  The <BODY> tag should start right after the </HEAD> tag. The </BODY> tag should appear right before the </HTML> tag which should be the last tag in your document. All of the tags that control the look of your document should be within the BODY tags.  Hopefully that's not too confusing.

[ September 06, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #8 on: 6 September 2002, 11:07 »
Am on it Sir.   I was wondering about that when i was typing it.

Am gonna do that now and I will also play with colors and fonts.

weeeeeeeeeeee this is fun.

 VoidMan you were right when you said, "instant gradification".

 And PHP here i come.


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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #9 on: 6 September 2002, 11:12 »
told you you would get it in an hour or two!  :D

voidmain, do you ever sleep?

also, top cool for taking the time to post that html help there, it took me weeks to find out some of those tips!
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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #10 on: 6 September 2002, 11:28 »
Originally posted by bazoukas:
VoidMan you were right when you said, "instant gradification".

 And PHP here i come.

I wish more people would just actually *try* learning HTML.  They don't know how easy it really is.  As far as I'm concerned it's MUCH easier than fighting over WYSIWYG editors.  But people think they have to use a mouse button to do anything anymore and anything else must be too hard.

PHP really is fun. It's sort of an in-between language to HTML and C.  The thing I really like about PHP is the way you can easily intermingle plain HTML with PHP code. You can take your standard HTML file that you are creating and just rename it from an *.html extension to *.php and it will still look exactly as it does as an HTML file.  But then you can add php code to make it *really* cool:

Code: [Select]

There are plenty of PHP tutorials as well.  When you get the basics you are going to want to get into hooking up to MySQL or PostgreSQL databases.  That's when it really starts getting fun and productive!
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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #11 on: 6 September 2002, 11:31 »
Originally posted by Calum:
voidmain, do you ever sleep?

Na, sleeping is over rated! I'm having too much fun, and hell, I don't need to get up in the mornings lately with the busted bones.
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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #12 on: 6 September 2002, 11:56 »
wohoooo number two.
  I did a table and FMS pops on a different window

 I had trouble with chanignt he font size but it was because i  didnt see that i forgot the equal sign.

wohoooooooo tables

stupid AT&T and their dpwntimes.

[ September 06, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]



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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #13 on: 6 September 2002, 12:15 »
And here it is with a Pic muhahaha

[ September 06, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]



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Fuck it. Am gonna learn HTML tonight.
« Reply #14 on: 6 September 2002, 13:00 »
i'm a new hand at html myself! i never knew about <em> before, does it just do the same as <i> ?
which is more right?

also, i like <hr>. might have to use it in my site...
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