Author Topic: Registration Page  (Read 1637 times)


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Registration Page
« on: 30 January 2005, 06:47 »
I Need To Make A 2 Register Pages 1. To Signup For EMail And 1 To Signup For Webhosting It Has To Execute Sever Commands On One Of My Servers, As Root

Also I Want The Server To Send A Confirmation EMail Containing A Link So That Scripts Cant AutoRegister, Or A Randomly Generated Image With A Number

HTML Form Fields:
txtuser, TextButton
txtpassword, TextBox
txtconfirmpass, TextBox
othermail, TextBox
realname, TextBox
sitename, TextBox (Only On Webhosting Signup)
Submit, Button

EMail Account Commands:

useradd -g 501 -d /mnt/temp/mailusers/$txtuser -s /sbin/nologin -p $txtpassword $txtuser
echo "[ $(date) ] $txtuser \t $txtpassword \t $realname \t $othermail" >> /mnt/temp/users/mails

Webhosting Commands:

useradd -g 502 -d /mnt/temp/www/$txtuser -s /sbin/nologin -p $txtpassword $txtuser
echo "[ $(date) ] $txtuser \t $txtpassword \t $realname \t $othermail" >> /mnt/temp/users/webhosts
mkdir /mnt/temp/www/$txtuser/httpdocs
mkdir /mnt/temp/www/$txtuser/cgi-bin
echo "Alias /$sitename/ /mnt/temp/www/$txtuser/httpdocs/" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
echo "ScriptAlias /$sitename/cgi-bin/ /mnt/temp/www/$txtuser/cgi-bin/" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
service httpd restart
mysqladmin create $txtuser"_db"
mysqlaccess -u $txtuser -p $txtpassword -h * -d $txtuser"_db"
service mysqld restart

im not sure if those commands are correct but i think they are :S

[ January 29, 2005: Message edited by: solemnwarning ]

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