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PNGs on the web

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In order to make my site's logo look really cool I uploaded it as a PNG. When I'm in Mozilla it show's up fine, but when I view the page in IE theres a big fat "x" there. Are PNGs meant to be web image files and whos browsers will it show up in?

yes, pngs are fine and IE should be able to display them. what version is it?

Mac version 5.1, but I rarely use it so I don't care. As long as other people can see it.

Master of Reality:
i dont think IE can handle a transparent layer in PNG

Mildly OT

*Do not use PNGs too much (more than one or two on a page)*
They are too big, and will slow loading times down significantly. I used to use PNGs for most of the images on my front page and it took 97 seconds to load for a non-broadband user. I replaced them with JPGs (same visible quality) and now the site loads in 6 seconds on non-broadband and pretty much instantly on cable/dsl.

[ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


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