Author Topic: PNGs on the web  (Read 2328 times)


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PNGs on the web
« Reply #15 on: 6 December 2002, 01:11 »
Originally posted by void main:
And a more accurate comparison would have been "PNG is to GIF as Ogg is to MP3".  

The MP3-guys (as in the creators of the format) own, and wield, the patent.

BTW, don't server *any* movie content on the net, whatever format or content. It's patented. So are hyperlinks btw. Web forms too, I guess. Ugh.
GS/CS d- s-: a--- C++ UL+ P+ L++>+++ E W++ N>+ o K- w-- O- M V? PS+>++ PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5+ X R tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e>++++ h! r- y
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall