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office 2000 passwords


Does anybody know about the protection level of a password protected document in office 2000?

Someone I know feels quite safe with this feature.

Umm is this safe?

There are tons more, but I don't want to post them...I don't want to attract script kiddies.


quote:   Unregistered (trial) version can be used during 30 days after installation (although it doesn't expire, actually)
--- End quote ---

Muwahahahahahahahaha!!! Thanx! Although I though the password security was much weaker.

It probably is weaker, but that was the first thing I could remember.

No problem   :D

A while ago i wrote 8-bit encription in basic. Maybe its just that. There where 256 combinations of what the code could be. I later made an idea for extremly powerful encription. Which i will write one ay. But it has got some flaws, like filesize changes. For example with the encription if i was to encript a 1k file with a 1024bit key that would take a while on a PC to crack, would make the file 1024x the size of the file. So i never actually wrote it.


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