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multiple IPs, dialup connection
my situation:
I have a windows 2000 server machine being a gateway to the internet for my linux(RH9) machine. I have a dialup account, and ipconfig says it doesn't use dhcp. I was wondering how I might configure the router(for win2k, which i'm not expecting an answer for really) and the routes on the linux machine so that I can get 2 public IP addresses, 1 for each machine. any help would be appreciated, thank you.
For a start are you allowed 2 public routable IP's from your ISP?
not sure, but hypothetically... if i was, what would i do?
To be completely honest I don't know. I think the router would have to just passively forward packets rather that using NAT or any other packet magling process.
This sounds like a void main question though.
Master of Reality:
first... if its dialup i dont see how it doesnt use a DHCP server... you should really ask your ISP about that. If they dont use a DHCP server that means that you should have gotten the IP(s) from them and the gateway and DNS address so that you could configure your computer properly.
Can you actually connect to the internet with your win2000 box?
hmmm... for the addresses.... this is interesting. If you are getting two IPs why dont you just hook each computer to the phone li...... oh i get it!! you only have one modem? and two network cards.
Well... on the linux box you must make a route... with coincidentally the command 'route'.
You will have to add a route that says that to get to the internet it has to go through the win2000 machine.
To do this do "route add default gw <win2k IP>"
Hmmm... but there is still the problem of your public IP.... how the hell do you get it if they dont run a DHCP server??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
On your win2k machine you will need to add a route which routes traffic from the internet to your linux box... in linux the command would be "route add -net <linux public IP> dev eth0"
<-- where eth0 is the NIC that connects to your linux box.
got all that?
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