Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

Windows .pwl files

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Hey does anyone here no much about programming or Windows operating system?  ;)
Actually I do, but if no-one here does then don't bother reading this.

Does anyone know how Windows encrypts the username and password of login after startup?  It uses MD5 and RC4 algorithms, but I can't work out from the .pwl files how the username and password are encrypted.  If anyone can tell me that, then I can write a password cracker easily and give it to everyone.

I thought someone here might be an expert or something.  I was probably wrong  :(

Please help!!!!!

Firstly there are likely programs like this already.

Secondly no-one is going to help you.

Thirdy make some programs in Linux.

Reply to tux member # 1099

Foruthly there actually aren't any programs like this already, except crappy demos that test four like 4 letter passwords.

Fifthly, that's a good point, no-one here knows anything useful

Sixthly, I don't have Linux and over 90% of the world doesn't. That means over 9 out of every ten people is going to have username and password encrypted in .pwl files not the equivalent in Linux.

Surely someone here knows something useful about .pwl files.  Reply with something helpful please.

You know what, if you can't remember your own password - then fuck you!

And, you know what else if you're trying to crack someone elses password, then fuck you too!

If you are trying to do either of these two things you are retarded.

I will also reitterate no-one here will help you it's not because we're dumb, it's not because we can't use windows. It's because we DON'T DO CRACKING HO-TO'S on fucmicrosoft.com.

Go ask some windoze warez buddy you asshat.

You are the kind of person that makes people leave this forum. Why don't you flush yourself from here, and if you're feeling ambitious flush yourself from the genepool too.

[ March 23, 2003: Message edited by: Tux ]

i still cant understand why someone comes to FUCKMICROSOFT.com and expects us to help them with microsoft products.. what a fucktard.
wow, i checked out his profile, i feel disgusting.


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