Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
Windows .pwl files
Wow I just got blasted by a four star and a five star member.
Do you know what?
I don't care.
btw I'm wasn't asking you how to do cracking ho-to's,I was just asking a certain point on encryption.
But evidently I know more about Windows than any of you morons.
Hope you have fun complaining whilst Bill Gates makes billions
yo, h4xing rulz0rz
again. this site is not tech support for microsoft windows. and if you are really concerned about security, you really shouldnt be using windows.
quote:Originally posted by xxxyyyyzzz:
btw I'm wasn't asking you how to do cracking ho-to's,I was just asking a certain point on encryption.
--- End quote ---
quote:Originally posted by xxxyyyyzzz:
If anyone can tell me that, then I can write a password cracker easily and give it to everyone.
--- End quote ---
You have a funny ways with words.
Talking about pwl files, I cracked a few once. They where the pwl files of my teacher :D
If anyone want to know the program I used, I'll be happy to tell you. However, I hate people who have the nickname "xxxyyyyzzz" and I will not tell those people the information.
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