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Targeting Links!!! AAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!!


Whoever said that frames are simple needs to PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE!!!! I figured out the whole frames thing, but now how do I target links and stuff so the main page goes to the link instead of the menu?? I've read through some tutotials but they make no sense!! Does anyone have any easy ways to explain it or tutorials that have a more step-by-step approack?

Put the frames down, and step away!

Frames suck, don't use them.

But if you insist, the link has to go to the parent window [Target frame -> _parent I dunno how standard that is], and that's if you split the frames the right way...

and not setting it makes it go into the frame the link is in

frames are easy i think. never had a problem with them. but getting used to it was a bitch. i'd avoid it, or at least make it optional and not required. just dont use iframes and i won't complain.


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