i finally got Kdevelop downloaded and installed, but it doesn't recognise C++ headerfiles like iostream
is iostream just a windows header file, or if it is a universal c++ header, how do i get it and install it so Kdevelop recognises it?
right now i'm stuck with stdlib.h, and the only thing i really know is printf() ....
If all you know is "printf()", then you are
ONEHELLUVA long way from worrying about KDevelop! KDevelop is a programming aid for doing graphical apps based on the Qt/KDE libs. In order to write such programs, you will need to understand such things like classes, how inheritance works as you will be deriving daughter classes from the libs, how to code your event handlers, and how to read the source code for those classes contained in the Qt/KDE libs.
Your best bet is to get this free E-Book:
Thinking in C++. Study that well until you understand it. It's a very good reference, but you won't just breeze through it. Once that's done, next get:
GCC on-line documentation to learn how to use GCC, then:
Autobook to learn about the GNU program managing utilities: automake, autoconf, libtool.
That's quite a bit of studying, and would be the minimum. You might also want to hit Amazon.com to check out some other books on Linux programming. (
Beginning Linux Programming and
Professional Linux Programming are very good, but neither cheap nor small.) Before attempting a graphical app, try programming some command line apps. Then you will be ready to start thinking about KDevelop. (Although I personally don't care for it all that much: I prefer
FOX instead.)
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
--Daffy Duck
[ August 13, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]