Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

hacker/coder not cracker

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You are correct, however, the original request for a new forum was for a "programming" forum, and the webmaster quickly said that was a good idea and his intentions with this forum were "Ask a programmer".  He used synonyms for the word programmer, however those synonyms also happen to be synonyms for more devious activities which unfortunately attract a lot of rif raf.

so what wuold be wrong with

ask a coding guru

That would be fine, but I think "programming languages" or "programming discussion" or "programming" or "ask a programmer" would be best.

Here's a good question. Can we use this as a discussion forum for things relating to computer technology?

For example, I would like a DOS refresh rate utility that works on modern systems, and/or a way to have an awesome compatibilty DOS on modern systems. Is that a suitable question here?

Well if you were wanting to write these utilities and questions about how you might go about it then sure. But the Lounge is wide open for any discussion. As long as it's not "Can you help me hack into hotmail?".  But then I am not a mod so I really don't have any say, just opinions.  


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