Author Topic: hacker/coder not cracker  (Read 2373 times)


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hacker/coder not cracker
« Reply #15 on: 1 August 2002, 04:17 »
well, it seems that i am the mod here although i would like somebody alse to help take up the slack, and i say that this forum should be for networking, programming and roughly anything in between that is of a technical nature and does not fit into any other forum.

for instance. a lot of networking stuff could go in the unix forum, but if it's networking two different odd kinds of systems (one non unix for example) then you might stick it in here. Similarly, scripting (and config file editing although that's a bit unix as well) questions i think should be allowed to go in here too.

As for info tech questions. I will begin my course in information tech and computing next year and will be asking for some practical help in this forum i expect.
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hacker/coder not cracker
« Reply #16 on: 1 August 2002, 04:37 »
How about staying in theme and calling it, "Ask A Fucking Genius"?


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hacker/coder not cracker
« Reply #17 on: 2 August 2002, 06:01 »
then these luserz will beg me to fix there damn computers/*sorry, just fixed another few comps this week*/ that one think geek shirt is starting to look good

"i will no fix your computer"

then agian, ask a hacker is more in theme with the unix/linux questions part of the forums. never worry, hacker/cracking and breaking in to msn are minor annoyencs when compared to the greif a certian few have caused. then agian, im waiting for someone to learn the art of programing cuase they came here looking for a way to read there girlfriends email or something. kindalike how i started using linux to bullshit my "friends" well have fun
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hacker/coder not cracker
« Reply #18 on: 6 August 2002, 05:37 »
yah watch out for "ask free tech support and then bitch when it still won't work because you are a complete fucking idiot HAHAHAHAHAHAH"  i do like the "ask a fucking genius one"......

when it becomes a problem, then solve it.  this kinda amounts to "if it aint broke, smash it"
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