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n00b prog
ok, i just though of a kickass program for newbies. for installing things from source. ok here is what it would do. gunzip /untar a tarball. read the autoconf info. and present the user with the ./configure options and then let the user select the options with a gui instead of
./configure --shit --shitty=redhats_gcc
but i can barly even peck out a decent hello world prog in an shell script, i can make cool c++ progs that don't do anything. i can't even use gtk yet/*doh*/ so does anyone want to help me learn enough to do this, or just make it yourselfs. or has somebody already made this
I think that would be a really good idea, because one of the things that scares people the most about linux is compiling programs. Most people are just use to clicking something and the install program does it all for you.
yes i know, i though about it when i was building ChoasNETOS for my own enjoyment. if it were only easyer to do this maybe n00bs would be more inclinded. but i am not good enough to write this shit though
It would be MUCH easier and beneficial if you just created an RPM and an SRPM out of the packages in question, assuming that the RPM doesn't already exist. That would be far easier for n00bs.
I think writing it in SDL would be pretty easy. Maybe I'll try... =\
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