Author Topic: looking for html work  (Read 2257 times)


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looking for html work
« on: 3 October 2002, 04:18 »
he i   wanted to  know  if  any body  needed  any   help  with  web page design/



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looking for html work
« Reply #1 on: 3 October 2002, 04:43 »
I'm not going to even try and think of a witty response. This kid says his interests are "music..hacking", his website is complete _trash_ and he can't write a decent SENTENCE.

[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]

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« Reply #2 on: 3 October 2002, 04:49 »
i noticed that too. I was gonna say somethin to him, but i decided to reboot into Linux instead. and forgot.
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looking for html work
« Reply #3 on: 3 October 2002, 11:29 »
lol LOL!!!!
dude nobody used straight HTML anymore, get with the times. you won't get a job or be asked for help unless you are quite quaint with PHP and or JSP, ASP is crap and nobody wants it. Perl is also good but less popular than PHP.
?php echo("aren't i so l337 h4x0r?"); ?

i can't include the triangle brackets, the forum said it's not allowed (and with good reason)


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« Reply #4 on: 3 October 2002, 14:59 »
bluesbrothermicrosofthate, look no further - you need help with web page design.

I looked at your source code and what's in the <head> should be in the <body>.

At the risk of being rude, you obviously don't know what you are doing

There is more to html/web design than meets the eye.

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looking for html work
« Reply #5 on: 3 October 2002, 15:40 »
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

   <title>Jimi hendrix fan club</title>
<img src="mankowitz_jimi_big.jpg"><H3>Jimi Hedrix</H3>

</head>Who is Jimi hendrix</head>

<br>Jimi  hendrix  to begin  with is a guitar player, but  there is  much much more  that  we will never  understand, but  i  do more than  or  as most  as some  one elase..i have read  alot of  books  and listened to him   every day  for the  last  3  years.<br>


<BODY bgcolor="99ffff">


is this the page you mean?

if so, i would just point out a couple of things:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

   <title>Jimi hendrix fan club</title>
<img src="mankowitz_jimi_big.jpg"><H3>Jimi Hedrix</H3>
[/b]yes indeed, this stuff should not go into the head, it should be in the body. Also, if you define the font before you put in the <h3> then the heading will display using that font, rather than whatever generic serif font the browser is set to. One more thing, you must set an 'alt' attribute for all your images or people who cannot or do not load images on their browser will not know what it is a picture of. Also, you should specify in your html the size in pixels of the image, so that the page can load faster and so that if the image does not load, the page structure is still the same shape. An example follows: <img src="mankowitz_jimi_big.jpg" height="300" width="250" alt="Picture of Jimi by Mankowitz"> I didn't check if those dimensions were correct, but you get the gist...
Also you misspelled Hendrix.

</head>Who is Jimi hendrix</head>Now you opened your head tag once above, and you have closed it twice here. You only need one head tag per document and you cannot close a tag you never opened. Also, for headings you might want to use a tag such as <center></center>.

<br>Jimi  hendrix  to begin  with is a guitar player, but  there is  much much more  that  we will never  understand, but  i  do more than  or  as most  as some  one elase..i have read  alot of  books  and listened to him   every day  for the  last  3  years.<br>unfortunately this is not good english. i won't nitpick here, but good grammar and spelling is 100% necessary to convince people you can design web pages.


<BODY bgcolor="99ffff">
now i don't think you need all of those new lines in there (edit - there are about 12 new lines above, however UBB has sensibly condensed them.), although they are not hurting the display of your html, they just make the source look odd. One other thing, if you define the background colour, always define the text colour as well, or people might not be able to read your site, even if you want to define the text as pure black. Example, i would have put <body bgcolor="#99ffff" text="#000000" link="#660000" vlink="#006600"> or something like it.
Also, as mentioned above, all the stuff that you want to be displayed onscreen should go after the <body> tag.

fair enough, i like this bit.         :D        

not meaning to insult you, just a quick run through of what i noticed, when i was getting to grips with html, it took me a bit to figure out some little details...

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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looking for html work
« Reply #6 on: 3 October 2002, 17:07 »
you have to have a sace after the bracket and before ?php to be able to post it
Code: [Select]
I still dont know very much php at all.... but i do know some perl and am trying to learn it.
I think The Bob Hub is pretty good for being entirely HTML (except for the bravent and zzn stuff... and the messageboard)

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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looking for html work
« Reply #7 on: 3 October 2002, 20:06 »
Originally posted by Chooco:
lol LOL!!!!
dude nobody used straight HTML anymore, get with the times. you won't get a job or be asked for help unless you are quite quaint with PHP and or JSP, ASP is crap and nobody wants it. Perl is also good but less popular than PHP.
?php echo("aren't i so l337 h4x0r?"); ?

i can't include the triangle brackets, the forum said it's not allowed (and with good reason)

Looks like you need to get with the times,
Code: [Select]
Thats PHP4!


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looking for html work
« Reply #8 on: 3 October 2002, 20:18 »
Read the thing i made, it used too be my HTML cheat sheet early this year when i was new too HTML. Others have used it for theres.


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looking for html work
« Reply #9 on: 3 October 2002, 20:47 »
I think someone could do with having a to/too and their/there/they're cheat-sheet.
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looking for html work
« Reply #10 on: 3 October 2002, 20:52 »
Yes doing your own works, just fuck around in Mozilla Composer and see what HTML it makes, thats how i learned!


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looking for html work
« Reply #11 on: 3 October 2002, 23:36 »

Originally posted by Chooco:
lol LOL!!!!
dude nobody used straight HTML anymore, get with the times. you won't get a job or be asked for help unless you are quite quaint with PHP and or JSP, ASP is crap and nobody wants it. Perl is also good but less popular than PHP.
?php echo("aren't i so l337 h4x0r?"); ?
i can't include the triangle brackets, the forum said it's not allowed (and with good reason)


Looks like you need to get with the times,


print "Arn't i fucking good!<br>";print "because i know your webbrowser is $HTTP_USER_AGENT<br>";


Thats PHP4!

And you could also do:

Code: [Select]

Just a lil alternate method. The echo statement.   :D  

Edit: Heh...forgot that closing tag...

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: mallowman ]

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looking for html work
« Reply #12 on: 3 October 2002, 23:55 »
Greetings bluesbrothermicrosofthater.

I've made a good source code for you     :rolleyes:    

Code: [Select]


[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]
[edited for decent word wrap]

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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looking for html work
« Reply #13 on: 4 October 2002, 21:56 »
oh so you wants to fuck do you (in a non threatening and still friendly way    )
eat this shit for dinner

Code: [Select]

i have a feeling there is something wrong with the code but i'm not quite sure, as far as i know, the code works great. you can check out this program in action here

btw all the triangle thingies are spaced out, god bless you replace all command!

[ October 04, 2002: Message edited by: Chooco ]


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looking for html work
« Reply #14 on: 4 October 2002, 10:50 »
Oh, and in the meantime, allow me to horn in and co-opt this thread to plug my OWN website development services.

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