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looking for html work
he i wanted to know if any body needed any help with web page design/
I'm not going to even try and think of a witty response. This kid says his interests are "music..hacking", his website is complete _trash_ and he can't write a decent SENTENCE.
[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]
Master of Reality:
i noticed that too. I was gonna say somethin to him, but i decided to reboot into Linux instead. and forgot.
lol LOL!!!!
dude nobody used straight HTML anymore, get with the times. you won't get a job or be asked for help unless you are quite quaint with PHP and or JSP, ASP is crap and nobody wants it. Perl is also good but less popular than PHP.
?php echo("aren't i so l337 h4x0r?"); ?
i can't include the triangle brackets, the forum said it's not allowed (and with good reason)
bluesbrothermicrosofthate, look no further - you need help with web page design.
I looked at your source code and what's in the <head> should be in the <body>.
At the risk of being rude, you obviously don't know what you are doing
There is more to html/web design than meets the eye.
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