Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
looking for html work
I don't know what's more pathetic about this topic here when I viewed it. The fact that someone was targeted and attacked like this and slammed for trying to get somewhere with HTML, or the fact that a majority of you tried to show some 1337 skills that you seriously lack and show no skill in at all.
Typing skills are nothing to begin with. As long as HTMl structure and spelling are adequete, sentance completion is un-essential to development. Oh, i'm sorry, did you not realize that < HTML > is not < This is an HTML page. > and still works? Hmm..
Reboot into Linux. Oohhh, what's more pathetic, that you shut your Linux..lemme guess, dual windows partition down just to sound like you are leet, or that you partioned Linux with windows at all? Mabye if you had a straight Unix, Debian, or Sun install that you just got out of. Otherwise...Please.
As I continue down the line of posts here, HTMl is still used in a fairly large amount of sites for people who do not need commerce for the site but want their share of the pie which is the Net. As for knowing PHP and/or JSP, you're finished at PHP, and if you go for JSP and PHP, you're just going for bragging rights. JSP takes far more resources, and finding a host that will even consider to run JSP on non windows servers is a joke. As far 'ASP isn't wanted', on the contrary. Although Microsoft sucks, ASP.NET is growing very rapidly and hundreds of commercial services worldwide are beginning to latch onto this. While I fully support a true PHP coder that is also very skilled with MySQL or even ADODB skills, unless PHP picks up, ASP will eventually provide a competition in later stages.
Next; Give em a break. It takes practice to remember everything. While you may know HTML top to bottom, there ARE people who don't. This is not an attack at you, but at least help by giving some resources he can see.
Calum; Thanks
The Master of Reality / Bob; Thanks too.
PHP 4; Show me the stable PHP engine and people using print over the oh-so-familiar now echo, and i'll give you a pat on the back. Stable = Good. Production + Beta = Bad.
Ex Eleven / b0b; Thanks to you too.
Refalm; =)
Chooco; A calculator script, eh? Wow, i'm so scared you might go PiR^2 on my ass? Make a calculator script that uses MySQL for logical storing of the most used math tools or a user interface to allow switching and customization of the calculator, as well as past mathematical expressions that have been used for easy play-back. Unless you can do this, you're better off going off and making a JSP/Flash Calc
Webmaster; Wow, a web admin who uses WEBMASTER instead of their usual S/N...one of the rare, and few. Good job on maintaining this, and not acting like the usual admins - Non flame.
HTML makes for good sites that are "look at and listen" but PHP makes for sites that are "interactive"
most sites are actually pretty good with HTML but if you want a job with a company or a bussiness, you need to know something like PHP or Perl.
quote:Originally posted by Webmaster:
Oh, and in the meantime, allow me to horn in and co-opt this thread to plug my OWN website development services.
The Public Internet
Or just click on the link at the bottom of every page of this forum and the main fuckMicrosoft.com website.
--- End quote ---
The webmasters skills kick ass. I will have to meet him and pick his mind over a cup of tea one day :D !
You don't have to use a database for most of those tasks. In fact, using a database will slow it down (not that you'll notice it in such a small script). Also, why do you only say "MySQL?" What about PostgreSQL? Do you think MySQL is the only "good" database? Wanna know something? MySQL can't handle "tough" work like psql or DB2.
quote:Originally posted by bluesbrothermicrosofthater:
he i wanted to know if any body needed any help with web page design/
--- End quote ---
Honestly, I don't really need help, but if you are capable of creating a site that:
a.) Will be used for a driver's education center
b.) instructors can keep track of grades, absenses, tardies, excused absenses or tardies
c.) A place where the students can get an online curiculum and any missed assignment(s) that are uploaded by the teacher
d.) A grading system so that you can see your grade, and the teachers can enter the grades, onto the site via a php, or perl script stored in a mysql database.
e.) Figure out the average, and weight of different assignements in different assignment categories.
f.) Provide high quality images
g.) All of the above in one file either named "index.php" or "index.cgi", use the post method for all forms
h.) offer storage of username/passwords in cookies, optionally.
i.) Don't have <title> inside of <body>
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