Author Topic: .NET Project.  (Read 1641 times)


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.NET Project.
« on: 1 November 2002, 17:34 »
Well my .NET thing is pretty good except a few problems.

Firstly its a patch of a patch of a patch. Making its code very very buggy. The first .NET was okay because it was fresh. (Thats .NET Classic).

Before i released it i made a program that does the normal strating stuff and then says "You system has crashed"
"And needs to restart"
"Thats Microsoft .NET"

Anybody who is to comment on my code in a bad way is stupid because Voidmain says it was good a while ago so it must be good.

Your thing on Useless loops was only partially true, You didnt see it properly, it has to loop back to look like its loading. For delays in the loading i got lazy and used the sound fucntion with
sound 20000, (time)
That generates sound a 20000hz for a certain amount of time. It delays the program for that time and works. If your ears can hear 20000hz you must be a 12 year old and should be away from Evil Computers Enjoying life.

P.S Im not flaming you just telling you more about my code then meets the eye. You seem to know what your doing so you could help in porting it to C++ if you wish.

What Language:
After carfull thought I have decided on C because more people know it compared to C++ and its highly portable. We will use the curses libarys for it as there is a port to dos. If i was to build it on GeekOS we would need to write our own simlar libarys that accsess the Video Memory directly to write to the Video. That is also a major contribution to the GeekOS Project on sourceforge.

If you want to help make a big Joke against Microsoft join ME!!!

Some reasons i thought you should consider:
  • Its funny!
  • It will Build your programming skills.
  • If you do good work it will increase your reputation.

Master of Reality

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.NET Project.
« Reply #1 on: 1 November 2002, 17:37 »
ya gonna put it up at sourceforge or freshmeat?
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.NET Project.
« Reply #2 on: 2 November 2002, 05:01 »
Sourceforge, but first i want to get it started... When that happens then I will get it on SourceForge.