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32 hour clock

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I guess you could. How about symetrical months

Have 8 Months a year
That means a month goes for 34.125 days
But then we have a leap year 6 years and then we have a time system. As for a conversion program i got this far and then stuck:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

So its not finished because i can't quite figure the year bit.

If i find a host that has CGI-BIN and i can use cgi.h to write cgi apps in C/C++ and we could put a converter on the web.

Master of Reality:
we can have 13 months with 21 days (exactly) in each one. The beginning of every fourht year will have 3 extra days holidays that we will use to take an extra long bender after the new year.

Sounds good, anyway i need help with a translator (anyone)???

*** Hello. Welcome to the online English to Dutch translator. What would you like to translate?

Hmm cos i suck at maths somone just give my an algorithum in Flow chart form i will write an app


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