Author Topic: Anti-TCPA movement.  (Read 3919 times)


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Anti-TCPA movement.
« Reply #15 on: 4 July 2002, 03:10 »
I am definitely in.

One used to be able to say that just using a different OS would kill Microsoft, but they are now out to take ownership over the traffic of the Internet, and to encode various messages into the hardware of the computer.  This not only affects users of Windows, but also affects users of ALL operating systems.  It threatens the freedom of the Internet itself.  

The Internet cannot be allowed to become privatized.  The Internet must stay in the public domain.  Otherwise, Microsoft will have control over Internet traffic.  One thing you can do with this is block out illegal sites, and they use child porn as an example.  Good.  But what happens to political dissendents?  Will they be censored?  

I fully support the creation of a petition, and whatever is needed to stop this.  The Free Software Foundation should be up to the task.  In fact, we need to unite many different segments if we want success.  

One other thing we need to do to open up the movement is to write a very intelligent, clear, consise document.  GNU has many documents on their website.  The Declaration of Independence was such a document.  We need to show everyone that we are not kidding around...that we are dead serious.  We need to build a serious movement dedicated to this end.  I think we should throw around ideas, and each try to write a document explaining our purposes, our grievances, and our demands.  Which ever the group thinks is the best shall be the one that we rally around.  More later...


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Anti-TCPA movement.
« Reply #16 on: 4 July 2002, 05:07 »
Alright psyjax and madscientist, glad to hear you're both psyched to get started on this...

psyjax - just searching for 'microsoft palladium' on google will bring up tons of articles, 99% of them highlighting the extreme danger it represents in clear and concise ways.  I would definitely link to ALL of them on your new site.

madscientist - I'm putting together an email to send to the FSF regarding some details that could be added to the GPL to pre-empt Palladium.  That looks promising, but also it is worth talking to them about what they have in mind.  I'm sure they will be glad to hear of our support.  I'll be getting in touch with them, and if you have some ideas you want to talk to them about, just go for it and let us know how you do.

I think the best approach for a site such as this is just simple, simple, simple.  Direct and to the point.  Make a series of key points, each backed up by the hard facts (which speak for themselves), and people will have no problem deciding that M$ is in the wrong here.  Tomorrow I'm going to concoct some graphics for the site, so if you're interested I can mail them to you?  My add is [email protected], get in touch if you'd like some graphics.

I spent most of the afternoon posting this news around various Indymedia sites around the US, UK and Canada, including the main which I have posted an updated version to.  I'm just trying to make this issue as visible as possible and I suggest everyone else should too.  Indymedia would almost certainly be threatened under a Palladium internet.

It's good that we have knowledge of this while work on the system is still 'in its infancy'.  Gives us more time to prepare as many people as we can so the fuckin' thing bombs when it comes on the market.


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« Reply #17 on: 4 July 2002, 05:12 »
Lazygamer - it's easy!  Print up some articles and put them in mailboxes, email your friends, make postings on discussion boards all over the web - not just in places like, but in places where your average PC user spends time such as on Yahoo groups or on AIM.  The most, MOST important thing is to make people aware of what they're getting themselves into if they let Palladium take hold.

Better yet, print out a petition and get people in the streets to sign it - then send it to Microsoft and tell them that everyone on that list will never buy another M$ or Intel product if Palladium is released.

If you have any interest in contributing something to the website we're building, even if it's just some links or some banners or images, either post here or email/ICQ me (address and ICQ # are above).


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Anti-TCPA movement.
« Reply #18 on: 4 July 2002, 05:58 »
Long live TCPA!


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« Reply #19 on: 4 July 2002, 06:11 »
I'M DEFINETELY IN ON THIS! and we also need to make a petition to kill winblows XP user over there, maybe saw him into like 900billion pieces with my rusty spoon......he's gott abe like connected to billg by tha dick or some shit....nobody in their right mind would support this shit....TIME TO KILL THE TCPA PLANS


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« Reply #20 on: 4 July 2002, 06:50 »

oh my god have you read the stats for this bullshit?

big brother will be watching you!
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« Reply #21 on: 4 July 2002, 21:42 »
Hey, if there are billions of link, then one more can't hurt  :D

Anyway, mine will be a HUB. Im starting right now. The site will be Graphic-light, but I'm interested in sugestions/donations. Feel free to drop me a line at my yahoo account:

[email protected]

I don't give real e-mail on boards, to SPAM risky, I have kept my main in Box spam free for years now and It will stay that way.  


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« Reply #22 on: 4 July 2002, 21:43 »
I'd like to get in on this too.
Keep us posted here.


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« Reply #23 on: 4 July 2002, 12:44 »
Hmm, their are definitly bad motives here.  Solar Designer wrote a non-exec stack patch for Linux years ago.  It isn't that widely used because there aren't that many vulnerabilities in linux.  

This TCPA shit is just a way to let M$ write shitty code.

How long will it take to for M$ to learn how to use strncpy instead of strcpy???

Q: how come this ends up with a memory leak in win32?
/* This was tested using Insure++ */

#include <process.h>


A: M$ developers don't know what they are doing.

Fuck M$, get a life and die.


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« Reply #24 on: 4 July 2002, 15:01 »
well, maybe after i get back from hawaii, my ethernet card will be here for my powerbook 1400, if it works, ill be able to get an idisk and host it, right????
id rather be on fire then use windoze

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« Reply #25 on: 4 July 2002, 19:08 »
Just a quick update, I have the page all laid out, I have an intro page that reads like a pretty decent overview article. I could easely change some stuff around and submit it as an article to the site!

Just a thought, but it could be a FuckMicrosoft article.

Anyway... Im basically finishing that up, then I will compile all the links and stuff. It should be a good page.

If I can publish it by tonight it will be great considering it is teh fourth of july  :D

Any data you care to submit, keep it comin on this thread.


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« Reply #26 on: 5 July 2002, 07:33 »
Sounds good. I've been reading a lot about this scary stuff. Check out for an interesting read on this subject (if you haven't already done so.)

Doctor V

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« Reply #27 on: 5 July 2002, 21:19 »
What can I say, I went to the TCPA homepage and read it.  This Palladium stuff is just scary.  People need to be informed.  They need to know whats really going on.  Palladium must be stopped at all costs.  

Unfortunately, people trust Microsoft.  No reason why, they just do.  And if you try to tell them whats going on, they simple take it with a grain of salt.  The lack of intelligence of the general populace is Microsoft'$ greatest asset.



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« Reply #28 on: 5 July 2002, 13:34 »
the whole purpose of this venture is to make users aware is it not?

the way to do this, once the anti TCPA site is up, is to include meaningful meta tags in the head of the pages, submit to all the search engines AND indeces, and maybe email to people with sites likely to feature a link to the anti TCPA site (i don't know, maybe toastytech, slashdot, i don't really know who in particular)

Also, i think an antiTCPA article for the M$ erad site would be great, maybe you could just put up the page and email the link to the webmaster, and see what he thinks!

good luck, and anything i can do to help?
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« Reply #29 on: 5 July 2002, 16:42 »
2600 would love to have a link.
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