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Programing C++/Java for linux?

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Java does have built-in sql libraries in it.

And this sounds like a custom application meant for merchants, to handle inventory.

Java would be a good choice, seeing as not EVERYTHING should be done in a web browser.

If you need to read up on Java, I reccomend Head First Java from O'Rilley Books. ISBN: 0596004656

[ January 30, 2005: Message edited by: sauron.game-host.org ]

If he wants a visual interface builder for a language, he could use C++ with Glade.

I've looked at Glade...all it seems to be is an interface generator.  You can't generate the actual program code with it.  Is there an entire IDE for GTK/Gnome?


--- Quote from: WMD ---I've looked at Glade...all it seems to be is an interface generator.  You can't generate the actual program code with it.  Is there an entire IDE for GTK/Gnome?
--- End quote ---

Well.... I thought that that was what he was looking for.  

Anyhow, maybe GNUStep is more what you had in mind.  
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Flash Demo of GNUstep Development Tools.


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