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best language

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what is the best most worthwhile language to learn? i know u guys are gunna say "depends"... well i mean like the 1 that is used most to program things, and would be a good time investment and be worthwhile.


quote: ...well i mean like the 1 that is used most to program things, and would be a good time investment and be worthwhile.
--- End quote ---

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C also!

hehe... actually they are not too far appart. Once you know one, it's not too hard to learn the other since they share the same general concepts and structure.

Another thing about C\C++ once you got a good understanding of eather one, all other languages seem to come a whole lot easier! At least this has been my experience, I don't know about anyone else.

Ctrl Alt Del 123:

Probably C++
if you want to learn HTML check the Miniguide on my lovely Website.

I know:
PowerBASIC, VBasic, Qbasic, LearnING c++, HTML, GERMAN    ENGLISH


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