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calc langague

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what does this simple ass prog look like it was written in, and it is a simple 30 second prob, ill post a really complicated one, if you need a fuller description and more code.

here goes

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

last year, before i accidently deleted everything, i had a snake game, pong, and few others, i whill post them if you need to see them, and you can utilize advanced math functions with the code, as for what ti calls it, basic, but it is so much more powerful then what i have seen with basic


come one dudes, do i need to post a very complex prog for you guys, or am i being dumb for thinking it resembles something other then basic

kann ich nicht das question verstehe!

(yes, i know, that's one of the many languages i don't know properly!)

is this some sort of brain teasing puzzle? i guess VB... how close am i?

ti-basic, it's the programming laguage (along with ASM) for the famous texas instruments calculators. The concepts are the same, but from what I've seen (not alot, mind you) some of the commands are different.

i thought i already told you what it was, yes, its ti-basic, but does it resemble any other langague to any of you


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