Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
need help deleting find fast, i am computer challenged
ok, i suck at dong things on my computer, but i read the microsoft's really hidden files article and i couldn't understand how to delete findfast. if someone would be willing to email me with the step by step (and i mean SREP BY STEP) way to do it, then i would forever bow down to you in awe. thanx lots.
Do you know how to boot into MS-DOS (not promt, the real nerdy DOS stuff ).
I am banned, for details see my sig!
[Edited by Doogee!]
[ August 26, 2004: Message edited by: d00g33 :: doogee.is.dreaming.org ]
i don't understand, why is this person banned? the details in the sig don't explain it to me, and the "banned" link just leads to the forum top page :confused: :confused: :confused:
quote:Originally posted by Calum is NOT a moderator:
i don't understand, why is this person banned? the details in the sig don't explain it to me, and the "banned" link just leads to the forum top page :confused: :confused: :confused:
--- End quote ---
The forum was moved to another directory to make conversion to vBulletinBoard easier. So the banned page is now here:
Great_Satan was banned for litterly spamming the forum with his anti-Muslim bullshit.
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