I have a webdav server on my Mac.
It is not the easiest thing to make a new webdav folder (for instance if someone wanted their own private space away from others)
I wanted to know if it would be possible to make an Applescript or a PHP script that did the following...
made a new folder of my choosing in the /Library/WebServer/Documents folder.
made a file called .htaccess in that folder with the following text.
AuthName "My Own Name Here"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /Library/WebServer/mynameduserfile
require valid-user
then the script would have to run a
sudo chown -R www:www /library/webserver/documents/mynewwebdavfolder
Then it would have to make a user file which is made by the command:
sudo htpasswd -c /library/webserver/mynewuserfile username
then it asks for a password and then it asks to confirm the password.
now the hardest part (I would assume) it to edit the /etc/httpd/httpd.conf file. the text below would have to be added after the last </Directory>. So where the last tag of </Directory> this text would be added
this text would have to be added to it
# Settings for My Own Name Here WebDAV
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents/myfoldername/">
DAVMinTimeout 600
DAVDepthInfinity On
AllowOverride AuthConfig
AuthName "My Own Name here"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /Library/WebServer/mynewuserfile
Require valid-user
So I guess the variables that it would ask of me before the script would execute would be:
Name of DAV
Name of the folder
Name of the user file
my administrator password for the sudo commands
Here is where I am so far.. on the Applescript side
set dd1 to display dialog "Enter a folder name" default answer "untitled"
set dd2 to display dialog "Enter DAV Name" default answer "Untitled"
set targFol to "Home:Sites

set newFolName to text returned of dd1
set davName to text returned of dd2
set complete_ to false
repeat until complete_ is true
tell application "Finder" to set newFol to (make new folder at folder targFol with properties {name:newFolName})
set complete_ to true
on error
set newFolName to text returned of (display dialog "A folder named '" & newFolName & "' already exists in this location. Choose a new name." default answer "untitled")
end try
end repeat
set fileName to ".htaccess"
set content_ to "\"AuthName \"davName\"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /Library/WebServer/mynameduserfile
require valid-user"
set f to open for access file ((newFol as text) & fileName) with write permission
write content_ to f
close access f
on error
close access f
end try
end try
yes, I changed the location. that part doesn't matter.
Now I have a dialog that asks for the foldername (the code u gave me)
I added my own dialog that asks for the DAV Name to be placed in the .htaccess file
As you probably know exactly why. I can't get it to put the variable davName in the .htaccess, but instead it puts in davName. How would I make it put in what davName is equivilant to?
Thanks in advance if you could help me. As you can see I only have about the first step done. the actual folder. Help editing the httpd.conf file would be the next step.